Become a Member
Following an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members held on 5th October 2016 it was unanimously agreed to amend the Constitution of The Guernsey Association of Trustees to broaden the membership of GAT to non-fiduciaries and other stakeholders as well as the existing membership.
The following rules shall govern membership of the Association:
Membership shall be open to bodies corporate and Individuals holding a fiduciary licence under the Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors etc. (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2000 or any amendment to or re-enactment thereof (“The Industry”)
A firm of lawyers or an individual lawyer practicing in Guernsey and serving the Industry
A firm of accountants or an accountant practicing in Guernsey and serving the Industry
A compliance firm practicing in Guernsey and serving the Industry
A Non-Executive Director of a body Corporate holding a fiduciary licence
Such other person as the executive committee shall determine (either generally or in a specific case) from time to time.
Membership fees for 2024 are as follows:
£300 per annum per corporate member
£60 per annum per individual member
Members applying after 1 June receive a 50% discount for the remainder of the year.